
NOA, a member of the Association of Foreign Investors in Albania, FIAA

Since July, NOA is officially a member of the Association of Foreign Investors in Albania (FIAA).FIAA, a highly reputable organization serving the business community in Albania, serves as a bridge between businesses (mainly foreign), governing institutions and international missions, FIAA serves to improve the business climate in the country to spread good practices, protect private investors, increase their activity and promote a healthy business.

Founded in 2000 by a group of foreign investors operating in Albania, FIAA today has over 80 members, including the largest banks in the country or leading companies operating in the field of industry, oil, telecommunications, energy, consulting, etc. NOA membership with FIAA places our institution next to the most important names in the Albanian corporate market by confirming the high standards of the company.

NOA is the only Albanian microfinance institution member of the FIAA. 

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