
“You need to improve everything you touch, leave your footprint as a reference point for others!” - the speech of the CEO of NOA for UET students.

The General Executive Director of NOA SH.A, during the Graduation Ceremony, at UET, gave to the students “the beginning of life speech”

Many of you may have 4-5 years as students at the European University of Tirana, during which you have participated in tens or hundreds of interventions on the economy, the labour market, the history and demographics of our country, the latest developments of the sectors you have chosen to study. Given this fact, it is not at all easy to make the last intervention, attend the last session, a session where you are neither required to keep notes nor to appear in any exam. And consequently, since I still have your attention, and in the hope that you will not leave without finishing this speech of mine, let me first of all congratulate you on reaching this "finish"; at this moment, and I am convinced that this is the reward for your hardships and the many sacrifices you have made to get here.

Best wishes to each of you! The end of university studies is the first step towards the integration into the professional world, the first step towards financial and professional independence. The first step, for many of you, to get out of your parents' lair, abandoning the comfort they provide.

You will find that it is not that difficult to cook or keep the house tidy on your own. And once again best wishes to each of you! As I said a little while ago, this is the last speech you will hear at UET and as such, I believe I have your understanding of the direct messages I am sharing with you:

On a personal level, as a start, as a CEO of a financial institution with 250 employees, the first message I would share with you today that you have finally graduated is: There is no easy, beautiful or comfortable professional journey, no matter how much good knowledge you have acquired! Therefore, if you want to make this journey a little easier, it is important that starting today you set yourself a major goal: “You need to make an impact, regardless of the company you will be part of or create and regardless of the work position you will have”.

You need to change things, influence the environment in which you will be part of, improve everything you touch, leave your footprint as a point of reference for others. This will turn your professional journey into a series of achievements, and it will provide you with pleasure and adoration for your work, and of course pride for yourself. This will also be the expectation every employer has for you and your expectation you will have for every employer as well.

As a woman, I want to address to girls in particular. No barrier is insurmountable, no endeavour is unbearable, no partner, no man, no one has the right to restrain your ambitions. Be yourself and always reject any mentality, any habit, any sense of inferiority that seeks to curb the potential of the woman you represent. In the Albanian banking sector, there are not many female CEOs, but I guarantee you that no one, except yourself, can prevent you from one day becoming such.

So I really wish that among the girls here, be why not, the next CEO of NOA. As a mother of two, I want to tell you never to neglect the importance of family. It forms your values as a person, as an individual, and as a professional as well. If you manage to find the right balance between the energy invested in work and the energy invested in your family, then I assure you that you will be very close to the key to happiness.

Never sacrifice your families, because in any sector you will work in the future, the family is the main "client". Whether in the public or private sector, such as the banking sector, the construction sector, or the services sector, you will see that a good part of the economy revolves around the family. If you know how to be a good family member, applicable to both boys and girls, know that you will be able to be an accomplished professional.

Second, at the business level, believe in the entrepreneurship in Albania! Believe in the free trade, in the power of the capital, in taking on the opportunities offered by the business. Do not fall prey to the mass thought that there is no future in Albania. On the contrary, the more widespread this thought is, the more room there is for young people like you who have a thirst for success, a thirst for independence, a thirst for ownership; be thirsty to build your own future, not to be victimized by it…Entrepreneurship enables you to rise in the social scale, increase your personal and family well-being, and the development of our country as well. So, without any restraint I tell you that entrepreneurs are the heroes of modern times, because they bring development, freedom and meritocracy. Be discreet and well-organized in your first steps.

I will not hide you that all studies come to the same conclusion, around 80% of the start-ups, or the new ventures fail. But this is the result of the fact that the academic system in the past did not prepare the young people with the necessary knowledge in doing business. This is no longer the case today, since I know you all have done subjects like management, finance, private law, marketing etc. Turn your academic knowledge into everyday practice. Think of a business plan, analyse the market, and when things do not go as you thought, adapt again based on a business plan and updated market analysis. Talk to your friends, get advice, but put aside doubts and sceptical people, seek specialized information and never stop asking. It is not a shame not to know, it is a shame not to ask for help.

 Third, at the professional level, never stop learning. Your degree is not the end of the learning process. Rather, I would look at it as a "proof" that proves that you are able to learn, to grow intellectually, to develop new skills, to improve your knowledge, to deepen your field of expertise. I repeat, look at the degree not as the end of the learning process, but as the motivation to never stop developing your knowledge. We live in an ever-changing world and when you hear the word change, you must mean your need to adapt, to learn new knowledge, to follow new processes, methods and practices.

It is not only the new technologies, but also the increased geographical migration - today Albanians are integrating every labour market around the world; the speed of doing business plays a role of the school - the customer demands the product instantly, if you cannot do it, the customer chooses the competition; Employees require their staff to do multitasking - they need to know the computer not only to deepen their knowledge, but also to be professionally certified and foster their abilities as managers, as a fiscals or lawyers. Today, a university degree is not enough to equip you with a profession.

You need to be learning in a constant way. So, learn to never stop learning. Always be fair, ethical and positive. Some of you may be discouraged by the injustices you may encounter in the jobs you will soon integrate. Lack of transparency and meritocracy, nepotism, incompetence or even corruption at work, may seem to you unbearable, but sufficient reasons to join the army of Albanian emigrants. Based on my 17 years of personal experience in the financial sector, I tell you that not everything you hear is true. So please do not fall prey to gossiping, jealousy, and professional mediocrity!

Be righteous in your ambitions, do not always prejudice your superiors; be ethical with colleagues, showing respect for the human being in the first place; be positive in the face of challenges you encounter, you are not the first to face difficulties and no, there is no conspiracy against you. So always be fair, ethical and positive, this is the best key to starting a stable and long-term career! With these messages, let me close my speech, a little bit long, in the hope that something will remain in your memory. Congratulations and once again to all of you and remember that now you are no longer students, and this is exactly the most beautiful moment in your life, the beginning of your professional journey! Enjoy every moment of your new life.

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