
Climatic Risk Management in Orchards # NOA advises farmers in collaboration with experts of the field

Climate changes have had both positive and negative effects on agricultural activities. The positive aspect is noticed in the improvement of micro-climates that favor the cultivation of vegetables in solar greenhouses, or the cultivation of melons, strawberries with thermal plastic covering.

Meanwhile, the negative aspect it is seen in the damages that come as a result of frequent and unpredictable climate changes, mainly hail or severe frosts, which must be managed in advance with investments that reduce the risk, such as anti-hail nets, etc.

About 11.6 million fruit trees are planted in Albania, out of which 2.86 million fruit trees are planted only in Korca. In the region of Korca are produced about 83,555 tons of fruits (mainly apples and cherries) every year with a financial value of approximately 35 million Euros.

The most reliable and cost-effective solution against climate changes and risks remains the protection of new plantations with anti-hail nets. The use of anti-hail nets allows farmers to maintain a constant supply in the market, while reducing the risk of production loss.

But what is the cost of investing in anti-hail nets in orchards and is this investment financially supported?

Purchasing and installing anti-hail nets in a fruit tree plantation for an area of 1 ha costs about 22,000 Euross and contains all the functional elements of this technology.

This investment can be supported both by IPARD grant funds and through a quick loan from NOA. The positive effects of this investment consist in increasing the fruits quality, minimizing the damage from climatic factors, reducing agro-technical costs, etc.

From the economic-financial analysis, this investment basically repays itself in a period of 3 years.
NOA agricultural advisory office offers specialized advice to all farmers who cultivate fruit trees and advice them on the technology and specialized companies which produce anti-hail nets worldwide.

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